Adventures of Jeremiah Security Officactor Extraordinaire

This is the life and times of a man who has the interesting life of being a husband,actor,and security officer rolled into one

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Sometimes we collect collateral from guests to let them have a room like watches ( which tend to be el cheapos),jewelry, even a digital camera. I just got done watching the film "Collateral" with Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx for the first time. I felt it was a good thriller with alot of tense sequences. Basically the film is about this cabbie Max (Foxx) who happens to be at the right place at the wrong time and picks up a fare,Vincent(Cruise),who looks like an atypical businessman, who is on the job as a hitman,unbeknownst to Max, taking out his contracts all in one night. They say that cab drivers is one of the most dangerous jobs and I can see why that is. Both Foxx and Cruise have good chemistry onscreen as they play this kind of pyschological game of cat and mouse leading to a climax that you might of seen coming if you paid close enough attention but still startled me. It was interesting seeing Cruise play a baddie for once. One of the best lines in the film is when Max says "You killed him?" talking about his first hit after he fell on his cab. Vincent replies " No the bullets and the fall killed him". The movie is rated R for a couple uses of the F bomb and some violence which wasn't too bad at least not as bad as Michael Mann's movie "Heat",which was another good one in my opinion.
Speaking of violence we had another incident here the other night. Apparently one of our less sober older guests tried to take a swing at one of our other guests and this guest and four of his buddies commenced knocking down and kicking the crap out of this older gentleman to a pulp. So our guest,and housekeeper,in 107 comes down telling me to call the cops. The excitement never ends here.


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