Adventures of Jeremiah Security Officactor Extraordinaire

This is the life and times of a man who has the interesting life of being a husband,actor,and security officer rolled into one

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Death at Amenity Inn

Well it appears that we have had our first death occur under our management of the motel. One of our regulars Thomas Sullivan age 48 passed away to the spirit world sometime last night. Fortunately it wasn't me who found him. I was in the middle of watching my DVR recording of the new "Ten Commandments" miniseries that aired on ABC this week, when our phone machine beeped, which means that either someones phone calls were up or someone dialed 911. I heard the sirens and realized that it was the later and that it had come from our cordless front office phone which Jerry,the owner,had. I went upstairs and the poilce gave me a hard time until I told them I was the manager, which then they told me that Tom had passed. Jerry called Leon, the new helper/handyman now that Bruno, the small little Hispanic guy was no longer in his services. He told him that there was something wrong with Tom because he wasn't waking up. Leon went up to his room and tried waking him up, but when he tried grabbing his jaw to shake him he noticed that rigor mortis had already set in because he was stiff. He also saw his arm and it was dark purple and had three dark stripes going diagnolly down his arm so it was probably a stroke or heart attack. He was a heavy drinker and smoker and his so called numerous friends he had in his room all the time didn't help either. He was a real nice guy and was homeless always begging on the streets of downtown Provo. He had a kind heart and will be missed. The cops investigated the room and brought his body down in a bodybag and put it in the coroner's truck and that was the end. The day went just like normal as if it hadnt happened. We don't know where his family is and if they will find out about his untimely death. I also have an update on the other guy. Apparently when they got him to the hospital he was already brain dead so there was no hope for him. Not the best day here by a long shot